Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cricut Fun!

Yeah, I started this blog, then disappeared. I went a little psycho on the whole learning the cricut thing. I have stayed up way too late playing with this fun little machine, and here's what I have to show for it. I started out simple...I put the boys' names on their doors. I did the Material Girl piece today. It's hanging above my window in my sewing room. It makes me happy just to look at it! I'm really feeling comfortable using the Cricut and would love to start taking orders! Let me know if you're interested!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My love affair with Mr. UPS

I just love Mr. UPS! He's so thoughtful, bringing gifts right to my door! How I do love that big brown truck of his! Yesterday he dropped off my Cricut Expressions!! I am excited (and a bit overwhelmed) to play with my new toy!

On a different note...

Why is it that I have to DRAG my kids out of bed Monday-Friday, but Saturday rolls around and they are up before the sun comes up??!! UGH! Happy Saturday to Everyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I've been tagged! How Exciting!

Juli tagged 1st tag. Here goes!

5 Things I am Looking Forward To:
  1. Planting flowers in my flowerbeds
  2. Getting my Cricut!
  3. Learning how to use said Cricut
  4. Keno with the girls tonight
  5. Seeing Jen get married in August

Things I Did Yesterday:

  1. Got my liscense plate for the new car. Now I can drive it again without fear of being pulled over.
  2. Went to Hobby Lobby and bought a few pretties for the flower beds
  3. Played with Parker
  4. Tried to sit outside at the new patio set, but it was just too chilly
  5. Actually turned on (and used!) the sewing machine and embroidery machine!

Things I Wish I Could Do:

  1. Keep my craft room organized
  2. Make the laundry magically disappear
  3. Knit/Crochet
  4. Sing (I'm with ya Juli... I do it anyway!)
  5. Draw/Paint

Shows I Watch (only 5?? Hum...since we have DVR, I am a true TV junkie, but here's my favorites):

  1. Anything on HGTV
  2. Medium
  3. Gray's Anatomy
  4. Private Practice
  5. American Idol

So I have to tag some people, huh? Ok!

Julie at Srubar Family-Life as We Know It

Autum at Creative Little Daisy

Have a great day Everyone!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shouldn't have watched it!

So I'm browsing through the guide on my TV and notice this show coming on at 4:30am on HGTV called "Simple Craft Ideas!" Can't miss that! I set it to record. The next morning, after I get Aidan on the bus and off to school (at the unGodly hour of 7:10am!) I settle into my glider with my oh so yummy cup of coffee (Emeril Intense Bold. BAM! Yummy!) I flip through the DVR and oh, there's that show I taped last night. Ok, I turn it on and guess what it is? An infomercial for Cricut. Now I am not a scrapbooker (although I do own every gadget Creative Memories sells...thanks Rachel for suckering my hubby into buying them for me for Christmas....shame on you!) But this show looks interesting, and it IS only 7:15am...what else do I have to do while I sip my coffee?

Fast forward to 8:30am... I am all over the internet trying to find the best deal on the Cricut Expreessions. (found it!) I am now the proud owner of one scrapbooking machine thingie.... Stay tuned to see what I find to do with it! (I'm thinking vinyl lettering business...!!)

Jumping on the Band Wagon!

I've been a Blog Stalker for about a few years now... I think I will try my hand at it, too!

Just a little background on me...I'm a SAHM of 3 little boys (Aidan 7, Corbin 5 and Parker 7 months.) I have been happily married to my college sweetheart, Doug, for 13 years. We live on the north side of Atlanta, in Suwanee, Ga. Although we are true Texans at heart, we are surrounded by great neighbors and wonderful friends.

Wife and Mother are my most important roles in life. With that said, I also have a passion for sewing and all things crafty. I started making purses after Aidan was born. I have since added baby items and monogrammed gifts to my inventory. I have teamed up with my BFF to do purse/monogram parties in the Atlanta area. I am so grateful that I have found an outlet to let ME be ME, not just "Mommy" or "Honey."

So bear with me as I try to figure out this blogging thing. :O)