Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jumping on the Band Wagon!

I've been a Blog Stalker for about a few years now... I think I will try my hand at it, too!

Just a little background on me...I'm a SAHM of 3 little boys (Aidan 7, Corbin 5 and Parker 7 months.) I have been happily married to my college sweetheart, Doug, for 13 years. We live on the north side of Atlanta, in Suwanee, Ga. Although we are true Texans at heart, we are surrounded by great neighbors and wonderful friends.

Wife and Mother are my most important roles in life. With that said, I also have a passion for sewing and all things crafty. I started making purses after Aidan was born. I have since added baby items and monogrammed gifts to my inventory. I have teamed up with my BFF to do purse/monogram parties in the Atlanta area. I am so grateful that I have found an outlet to let ME be ME, not just "Mommy" or "Honey."

So bear with me as I try to figure out this blogging thing. :O)

1 comment:

  1. yea for you!!!! I can't wait to read about all your updates. Let me know if you start the lettering business.
